The Quotes Generator

The best Quotes for every occasion. With the Quotes Generator you can now generate suitable Quotes quickly and easily. With just one click you can generate thousands of Quotes which you can easily copy.
Select the category below with which you can generate the appropriate Quotes. Click on "New Quotes" to generate Quotes.

What is a Quotes Generator?

The Quotes Generator generates thousands of quotes from a huge collection of quotes with just a few clicks. The quotes are divided into categories to show you the matching quotes. After clicking on "New Quotes", new quotes will be generated and displayed if you didn't find the right quotes for you the first time.
Try it now and find the right quotes for you!

Generate Quotes

With just a few clicks you can generate thousands of matching quotes.

Category Selection

Suitable quotes for every occasion. Simply filter by category to generate matching quotes.

Large selection

Choose the appropriate quotes from a selection of thousands of quotes, sorted by category.

Each quotes has its own meaning and origin. And everybody can interpret such a quotes as he wants, that's the good thing about it. So you can think about what it's all about, what the author has thought about and gain insight from it.

Quotes Catogories

Choose one of the different categories with which you want to generate the quotes. With a click on one of the categories you will be automatically created new quotes based on the keyword.

A suitable quotation for every occasion or occasion.
Quotes Image

Find the right words

The Quotes Generator is a simple online tool with which you can generate thousands of quotes sorted by category. You can choose from different categories from all walks of life, so you can find the right quotes for you or others. You can use quotes for Instagram Post, Facebook, Twitter, Diaries, Whatsapp status, for profile entries, as motivation somewhere to write down and hang up. Reach other people with the right words. Finding good words isn't always easy. On we help you to find the right words for every situation and occasion.

"Live the Life of Your Dreams: Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others."

Quotes for every occasion

A suitable quotation for every occasion or occasion.

Love Quotes Image

Love Quotes

Would you like to say or write something dear to your loved ones? With Love Quotes you will always find the right words. Whether for your birthday, your best friend or your partner. Love words and sentences always go down well.

Inspirational Quotes Image

Inspirational Quotes

Quotes that inspire. Be inspired by other people and wisdom. Collect new ideas and food for thought for your goals and tasks. Maybe Inspirational Quotes opens your eyes in some situations in life to find suitable solutions and ways.

Romance Quotes Image

Romance Quotes

A perfect opportunity to give your loved one a little attention. Write your partner a letter or leave small messages with Romance Quotes. Whether at a dinner, wedding, whatsapp message or a little gesture on the side.

Life Quotes Image

Life Quotes

Isn't life just so great and you need something to hold on to or think about? Then let the Life Quotes motivate and inspire you. You can also express beautiful moments with Life Quotes and share them with the whole world.

Religion Quotes Image

Religion Quotes

For intercessions, church services, weddings, funerals, baptisms and other religious occasions you can generate Religion Quotes for your speech religion. Make invitation cards more beautiful or use them to make memorable speeches.

Motivation Quotes Image

Motivation Quotes

Are you still looking for the right words to motivate yourself? Or do you want to motivate others? With a large selection of Motivation Quotes you will surely find the right words to achieve certain goals and tasks in life.